
We look forward to your visit.

For existing relations a visit offers the possibility to look ahead and spent some time together to improve personal contact.

For new relations it is pleasant to get to know each other. This can help with future contact on long distance.

For visitors it is important to see the plants. Plantaz broadens in species, sizes and locations.

Due to our production on several plots it is of importance to make an appointment for your visit. We want have sufficient time to show our nursery. With spontanious visits we are often unable to spent enough time for a proper tour.


Plantaz video tour

Due to the present circumstances, Plantaz would like to offer an extra service to enable a visual tour of our nursery.  In a video we take you over our different plots and have a look at the plants you are most interested in. In this form you will be able to have a look at the badges of plants from a distance and if neede make a selection that we will tag for you.

Questions regarding our assortment? Contact us
