Container Grown



Plantaz onderscheid



Growing plants is in our genes, we do it with passion

Greenery Unites

We gladly team up with you to make it a greener world.

Conscience around the globe is increasing on the matter that greenery is essential for us humans, animals as well as our environment and the climate.

Increasingly we have to deal with climate change. The reduction of biodiversity is worrying. Wheather extremes such as dryer, wetter, warmer intensify annually.  Science proves us that plants and trees can pose a significant solution to these disturbing  developments.

Currently, with the reality of the Covid-19 pandemic, it has become clear to all that gardens, parks and forests are essential to our well being.

Subsequently, greenery provides a pleasant living environment and is beneficia lto our health.

The economical increased value of greenery is likewise strongly connected to real estate such as homes, offices and industrial sites.

We strive to collabarate with our relations and work in a sustainable manner on a greener and healthier environment. In order to do this structuraly we follow the guidelines of “on the way to Planet Proof” and bear this quality mark on all our products. In addition we work on improvements where possible.

Private consumers are not allowed at Plantaz, we only sell to corporate clients.

Plant Species

All of our product sales and deliveries are subject to the LTO Nederland General International Sales and Delivery Conditions for tree nursery products, plants (including perennials), shrubs and summer flowers.

These conditions are made available to you on request.

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